Mona Mourshed
Mona Mourshed is the founding CEO of Generation: You Employed, a global nonprofit organization that supports adults to achieve economic mobility through a career. Generation trains and places adult learners of all ages into careers that are otherwise inaccessible, delivering sector-leading employment and income results consistently across 17 countries and 40 professions. Since launching in 2015, Generation has over 120,000 graduates – of whom half are in the last two years - and who have earned over $1.5 billion in wages. Generation also conducts original research on priority global employment transition topics, including supporting unemployed age 40+ individuals to successfully enter new careers. Mona has authored widely cited reports and articles on education, workforce, and social sector impact; and, she previously founded and led McKinsey & Company's global education practice. Mona was named one of the 2024 Advocates in Aging by Next Avenue and the American Society on Aging, and she sits on the boards of New America, Teach for All, and Last Mile Health. She is a Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation Entrepreneur and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Mona has a B.A. from Stanford University and a Ph.D. from MIT.