Our new report, The Missing Piece: Developing Collective Leadership to Transform Education, brings together what we have learned from hundreds of leaders from across our network about what is at work in the communities and systems that are making progress towards ensuring that all children learn. Technical solutions alone will not improve learning for all, and progress will require developing collective leadership — a critical mass of diverse, purpose-driven leaders working together throughout the ecosystem around children to create the enabling conditions for change.

What is the Community Impact Lab?
In communities around the world Teach For All network partner organizations are growing the collective leadership that will help to transform systems and contribute to progress at scale.
The experience of our network’s 100,000 education leaders in 60+ countries over 15 years tells us that this collective leadership is critical to achieving change. We’ve also seen that the greatest impact results from collective leadership that is:
- Clearly defined in scope
- In deep partnership with local communities
- Working at a significant scale
- Ultimately aiming to improve things for kids
Learning From Communities Across the Network
The Community Impact Lab is learning from the choices network partners make about how to grow collective leadership—choices that are rooted in a deep local understanding and partnerships—and exploring how collective leadership grows at the level of local communities and national systems, ultimately contributing to faster or more sustainable progress.

Enseña por México
Enseña por México is seeking to grow sustainable leadership in the Yucatan peninsula by working closely with indigenous communities

Teach For Pakistan
Teach For Pakistan has built a partnership with the government and multilateral agencies to recruit a critical mass of leaders to its work in Karachi

Teach First (UK)
In London, 3,000 Teach First Ambassadors have transformed the London system, making it the best place in the UK for a poor child to go to school
To explore more case studies and other Community Impact Lab resources, visit our Learning & Insights website.

From Communities to Systems
The Community Impact Lab also examines the ways collective leadership contributes to transforming systems and progress for communities by:
- Orienting the system to a shared purpose
- Enabling collaborative approaches
- Mobilizing a critical mass of leadership
- Establishing a culture and systems of learning
How the Lab Works
We work with organizations and leaders both within our network and externally to better understand how to grow the collective leadership that will transform systems.