2020 Teach For All Global Conference - Global White Supremacy & Anti-Blackness in Local Contexts

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Preview image for the video "Global Conference 2020: Global White Supremacy & Anti-Blackness in Local Contexts".

With speakers from Brazil, Colombia, the United States, and Belgium, this session explores historical aspects of Global White Supremacy & Anti-Blackness, the current reality of racism in each country's context, and what we can collectively do to build an antiracist global future. Our speakers, from civil, public, and private backgrounds, hope that by sharing their stories, they will inspire all of us to collectively reflect on the persistent challenges of racism and to choose to take action towards a more equitable future.


Darlin Ibargüen Asprilla

Co-founder and Director of Education

Fundación Salud a la Escuela

Larissa Calixto

Finance Manager

Ensina Brasil

Kira Cordoba-Brown

Head of ICG Talent & Diversity


Maria Isabel Mena


África en la escuela

Gabriela Oliveira


Nigel Richard

Associate Director

Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity

Ange - Raïssa Uzanziga


Brussels Ministry of Mobility