Celebrating a Decade of Educational Commitment

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Enseña por México
A row of professionally dressed men and women stand together on a stage
La Noche ExM: Unidos por la Educación

Lea esta historia en español

August 2023 marked a significant milestone for Enseña por México, as it marked the organization's tenth anniversary. To celebrate this achievement, throughout the 2023-2024 school year, Enseña por México hosted a series of commemorative events in various regions of the country. These events were not only an occasion to celebrate, but also to reflect on a decade of commitment and educational transformation in Mexico.

In each of the regions, Enseña por México brought together its staff members, PEM (teaching participants), alumni, allied partners, and the educational community to commemorate the achievements of these 10 years of hard work. In addition to festivals, a series of special events honored the commitment and dedication of those who have contributed to Enseña por México's success.

From fairs and games for children and adults, to workshops, generative dialogues, and Learning through Play opportunities, these festivities served as recognition of the commitment of all those who have joined the efforts and cause of Enseña por México in favor of education. 

We began our celebrations with a national event in Mexico City, "La Noche ExM: Unidos por la Educación" (ExM Night: United for Education). In September 2023, we managed to gather 240 individuals from different states of the country: allies, PEM, alumni, staff, students, and community members who share and add to our mission, with two specific objectives: 

  • Celebrate 10 years of Enseña por México, sharing our journey and strengthening the movement of leaders that is transforming education in Mexico, reinforcing what Enseña por México is and what it does based on the experience of Enseña por México Professionals (PEM) and the students we impact. 
  • Actively involve donors and allies with the national movement that Enseña por México is through fundraising, emphasizing that their short- and long-term support is essential to continue moving forward.
Overhead shot of an gathering taking place in an outdoor courtyard

Los Festivales ExM


The ExM Festivals in each of the regions, with a total of five festivities in the three different regions, were open and free events to celebrate 10 years of the ExM movement. More than 750 people participated in workshops, games, and talks aimed at teachers, families, and children of all ages. Furthermore, in these spaces, dialogues and activities were generated about current and future educational challenges, learning through play, the keys to social entrepreneurship and public advocacy, and the development of social-emotional skills, along with more teaching tools to put into practice inside and outside the classroom. At the end of the activities, the ExM Festival became, in each of the regions, a celebration party exclusively for PEM and alumni.

One of the highlights of these celebrations was the premiere of Enseña por México's long-awaited documentary, which captured the essence and impact of the organization's work over the years. From moving testimonies of PEMs’ impact, to inspiring images for a better Mexico through education, the video made clear the transformative power of collective leadership, education, and the fundamental role Enseña por México plays in this process.

Enseña por México not only continues to celebrate its tenth anniversary as an education organization seeking to end educational inequity in the country, but also celebrates a decade of inspiring and empowering a new generation of educational leaders. Through its leadership program, Enseña por México has trained more than 1,000 Enseña por México Professionals (PEM) committed to assuming their role as agents of change in their communities, making a tangible difference in the lives of more than 170,000 students throughout the country.

As Enseña por México looks toward the next 10 years, we do so with renewed vigor and determination, but knowing that our work will conclude the day when each and every child in Mexico achieves a quality education that allows them to develop to their full potential.

Enseña por México has come far in these ten years, but our journey is still far from over. With the same spirit of commitment and dedication that has led them to this celebration, we are ready to move forward, inspiring and transforming education in Mexico.