Katarzyna Nabrdalik
Katarzyna Nabrdalik is the CEO of the Teach for Poland Foundation. Throughout her career, she has been dedicated to the third sector, where she cultivated a fervent commitment to education and honed her leadership skills in fostering the development of the youth.
Katarzyna's track record includes successfully managing the Polish branch of the international organization AIESEC. In this role, she oversaw multiple local branches and led a team of over 1500 members. Subsequently, she assumed the pivotal position of Director for the European Region of AIESEC International for a two-year term. In this capacity, she expertly coordinated the operations of more than 40 branches, orchestrating impactful educational projects tailored for both public and private sectors.
Complementing her extensive engagement in the third sector, Katarzyna also ventured into the dynamic realms of technology and startups. In a key role as Customer Satisfaction and Sales Manager she demonstrated her versatility and proficiency in navigating diverse professional landscapes.
An avid explorer and enthusiast of global cultures, Katarzyna has already visited numerous countries and is poised to add the 70th to her list this year. Her mission involves reimagining education in Poland by attracting new talent to the teaching profession and nurturing student leadership. She aspires to create a dynamic learning environment that empowers every student to thrive and succeed in life.