Ariana Karin Rivera Siesquén
I am Ariana Karin Rivera Siesquén, and I am 17 years old. Although we have always lived in Lima, the capital of Peru, five years ago we decided to move to Eten-Chiclayo, a charming and traditional town that has special significance for being the birthplace of my grandmother and great-grandmother.
Here I discovered my true identity and heritage. I strengthened my connection with my ancestors and their stories about the city in their youth before they left and I fell in love with its rich culture and history. Last year, with the support of my family and friends, I won a local cultural contest and obtained the title of “Iñikuk Atin 2022." This recognition opened doors for me and strengthened my bond with the municipality and other organizations.
I joined the PDLE program through Enseña Perú, where I met Jhonmy, a girl from Ayacucho. Together, under the mentorship of Franco Mosso Cobián, CEO of Enseña Perú, we founded GENLI (GENERACIÓN DE LÍDERES), with the mission of transforming the view from “I don't know,” turning fears into opportunities for growth and promoting positive changes from the first steps in the exercise of collective leadership.
I just finished high school and am currently on a gap year. My goal is to work towards acquiring my own harp, thus reviving a lost tradition in my town. I also plan to save for my studies in artistic pedagogy and cultural management. I aspire to improve my English, learn local crafts and lead more in-person social projects. The phrase that I will always carry with me to achieve this will be: Afraid? Do it!